White Hexorium Crystal

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White Hexorium Crystal
White Hexorium Crystal.png
White Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Crystal

Source Mod



Hexorium Crystals


Yes (64)



White Hexorium Crystals are one of the five different base color Hexorium gems from the mod HEXCraft.



The easiest way to obtain White Hexorium Crystals is to mine White Hexorium Ore and White Hexorium Nether Ore. The crystals can also be obtained by mining naturally spawned White Hexorium Monoliths and White Hexorium Nether Monoliths, but these are very rare. Unlike Red, Green and Blue Crystals, both White Ores and Monoliths are easier to find in the Nether than Overworld.


The crystals can also be obtained by processing the raw ores and monoliths which are gathered using Silk Touch. The ores and monoliths should be inserted into the Crystal Separator, which will then output the crystals. This is the most efficient way of gathering large quantities, as the output is a lot higher than mining in a regular way.

Name Ingredients Crystal Separator recipe

White Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Ore

White Hexorium Ore Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png White Hexorium Crystal6
Grid layout 32HEX.png

White Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Nether Ore

White Hexorium Nether Ore Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png White Hexorium Crystal8
Grid layout 32HEX.png

White Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Monolith

White Hexorium Monolith Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png White Hexorium Crystal12
Grid layout 32HEX.png

White Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Nether Monolith

White Hexorium Nether Monolith Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png White Hexorium Crystal16
Grid layout 32HEX.png


Another way to retrieve already gathered crystals is using the backwards recipe of Block of Hexorium Crystal.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

White Hexorium Crystal

Block of White Hexorium Crystal

Grid layout Arrow (small).png White Hexorium Crystal9

Block of White Hexorium Crystal

Destroying Blocks

Another way to get the crystals is to break White, Light Gray, Gray, Dark Gray or Rainbow Energized Hexorium blocks, breaking Energized Hexorium Monoliths of the same colors or breaking Energy Pylons with inserted Monoliths. Note that the crystals will not drop if these are dismantled using the Hexorium Manipulator.


Crafting Ingredient

White Hexorium Crystals are one of the most widely used items added by HEXCraft.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Energized Hexorium

White Hexorium Crystals or
Red Hexorium Crystals or
Green Hexorium Crystals or
Blue Hexorium Crystals or
Black Hexorium +

White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalRed Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalGreen Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlue Hexorium Crystal Grid layout Arrow (small).png Energized Hexorium (White)Energized Hexorium (Light Gray)Energized Hexorium (Gray)Energized Hexorium (Dark Gray)Energized Hexorium (Rainbow)
White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium Crystal Redstone White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium Crystal
White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalRed Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalGreen Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlue Hexorium Crystal

Rainbow Energized Globule

White Hexorium Crystal +
Red Hexorium Crystal +
Green Hexorium Crystal +
Blue Hexorium Crystal +

Green Hexorium Crystal
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Rainbow Energized Globule
Red Hexorium Crystal Redstone Blue Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Crystal

Heat Dissipator

White Hexorium Crystal +
Iron Ingots +

Iron Ingot Redstone
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Heat Dissipator
Iron Ingot White Hexorium Crystal
Iron Ingot Redstone

Heating Array

White Hexorium Crystal +
Iron Ingots +

Redstone Redstone Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Heating Array
Redstone White Hexorium Crystal Iron Ingot
Redstone Redstone Iron Ingot

Teleportation Field Projector

White Hexorium Crystals +
Hexorium Coprocessors +
Spatial Projector +
Diamond +
Gold Ingots +

White Hexorium Crystal Diamond White Hexorium Crystal Grid layout Arrow (small).png Teleportation Field Projector
Hexorium Coprocessor Spatial Projector Hexorium Coprocessor
Gold Ingot Redstone Gold Ingot

Hexorium Cable

White Hexorium Crystals or
Red Hexorium Crystals or
Green Hexorium Crystals or
Blue Hexorium Crystals or
Black Hexorium Crystals +
Tempered Hexorium Glass +

Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium Cable (White)2Hexorium Cable (Light Gray)2Hexorium Cable (Gray)2Hexorium Cable (Dark Gray)2Hexorium Cable (Rainbow)2
White Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalRed Hexorium Crystal Tempered Hexorium Glass White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalGreen Hexorium Crystal
White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlue Hexorium Crystal Tempered Hexorium Glass White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium Crystal

Hexorium Probe

White Hexorium Crystal +
Machine Control Panel +
Hexorium Coprocessor +
Iron Ingots

White Hexorium Crystal

Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium Probe

Iron Ingot Machine Control Panel

Hexorium Coprocessor Iron Ingot

Block of White
Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Crystals

White Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium Crystal Grid layout Arrow (small).png Block of White Hexorium Crystal
White Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium Crystal
White Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium Crystal White Hexorium Crystal

Glowing Hexorium Glass

White Hexorium Crystals or
Black Hexorium Crystals +
Tempered Hexorium Glass +

Redstone White Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium Crystal
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Glowing Hexorium Glass (White)Glowing Hexorium Glass (Light Gray)Glowing Hexorium Glass (Gray)Glowing Hexorium Glass (Dark Gray)
White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium Crystal Tempered Hexorium Glass White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium CrystalWhite Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium Crystal

Hexorium-Coated Stone

White Hexorium Crystal +

Stone Stone Stone Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium-Coated Stone8
Stone White Hexorium Crystal Stone
Stone Stone Stone

Hexorium Switch (Red-White)

White Hexorium Crystal +
Red Hexorium Crystal +
Lever +
Iron Ingots +

Red Hexorium Crystal Redstone White Hexorium Crystal Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium Switch (Red-White)
Iron Ingot Lever Iron Ingot

Hexorium Button (White)

White Hexorium Crystal +
Stone Button +
Iron Ingots +

White Hexorium Crystal
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium Button (White)
Iron Ingot Redstone Iron Ingot


Hexorium Pressure Plate (White)

White Hexorium Crystals +
Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) +
Iron Ingots +

White Hexorium Crystal Redstone White Hexorium Crystal Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium Pressure Plate (White)
Iron Ingot Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) Iron Ingot

Smelting Ingredient

White Hexorium Crystals can also be smelted to obtain White Hexorium Wafers.

Name Ingredients Smelting recipe

White Hexorium Wafer

White Hexorium Crystal +
Any fuel

White Hexorium Crystal Grid layout Furnace Progress.png White Hexorium Wafer
Grid layout Fire.png
CoalCharcoalOak WoodOak Wood Planks
Name Ingredients Hexorium Furnace recipe

White Hexorium Wafer

White Hexorium Crystal

White Hexorium Crystal Grid layout Hexorium Furnace Progress.png White Hexorium Wafer
Grid layout 32HEX.png


White Hexorium Crystals are Hexorium in its natural state. The white crystals are fundamentally different to Red, Green and Blue Hexorium Crystals as they contain all 3 structures within them, making them emit pure white. Compared to the 3 main colors, white crystals have higher conductivity and can act as semiconductors after being smelted in to White Hexorium Wafers. Both white and black crystals are much sought after by CelesTek Technologies for the development of electronics.

HEXCraft[show] [edit]