Hexorium Dyes

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Hexorium Dyes
White Hexorium Dye.pngBlack Hexorium Dye.png
White Hexorium DyeBlack Hexorium Dye

Hexorium Dyes

Source Mod





Yes (64)



Hexorium Dyes are consumable tools added by HEXCraft.



The dyes may be crafted using a Mortar and Pestle in combination with corresponding Hexorium Crystals and Vanilla dyes. Each recipe results in 16 dyes.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Hexorium Dyes

Mortar and Pestle +
White Hexorium Crystal or
Black Hexorium Crystal +
Bone Meal or
Ink Sac

Bone MealInk Sac
Grid layout Arrow (small).png White Hexorium Dye16Black Hexorium Dye16

White Hexorium CrystalBlack Hexorium Crystal

Mortar and Pestle

Currently, the following dyes exist:

  • White Hexorium Dye
  • Black Hexorium Dye


Dyeing Decorative Blocks

The dyes are a consumable resource which may be used to dye many decorative blocks in colors which are alternate to the default black. The following blocks may be dyed:

Craft Dyeing

Dyed decorative blocks may be crafted either by using a dye in a shapeless recipe with the blocks which should be dyed.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

White Variants

A Decorative Block +
White Hexorium Dye

Engineered Hexorium Block (Green)Framed Hexorium Block (Green)Plated Hexorium Block (Green)Concentric Hexorium Block (Green)Hexorium Structure Casing (Green)Glowing Hexorium-Coated Stone (Green)Glowing Hexorium Glass (Green)Hexorium Lamp (Green)Inverted Hexorium Lamp (Green)Hexorium-Coated StoneTempered Hexorium GlassHexorium Switch (Red-Green)Hexorium Button (Green)Hexorium Pressure Plate (Green)Hexorium Door (Green)Hexorium Hatch (Green) White Hexorium Dye
Grid layout Arrow (small).png White Engineered Hexorium Block (Green)White Framed Hexorium Block (Green)White Plated Hexorium Block (Green)White Concentric Hexorium Block (Green)White Hexorium Structure Casing (Green)White Glowing Hexorium-Coated Stone (Green)White Glowing Hexorium Glass (Green)White Hexorium Lamp (Green)White Inverted Hexorium Lamp (Green)White Hexorium-Coated StoneWhite Tempered Hexorium GlassWhite Hexorium Switch (Red-Green)White Hexorium Button (Green)White Hexorium Pressure Plate (Green)White Hexorium Door (Green)White Hexorium Hatch (Green)

Black Variants

A Decorative Block +
Black Hexorium Dye

White Engineered Hexorium Block (Green)White Framed Hexorium Block (Green)White Plated Hexorium Block (Green)White Concentric Hexorium Block (Green)White Hexorium Structure Casing (Green)White Glowing Hexorium-Coated Stone (Green)White Glowing Hexorium Glass (Green)White Hexorium Lamp (Green)White Inverted Hexorium Lamp (Green)White Hexorium-Coated StoneWhite Tempered Hexorium GlassWhite Hexorium Switch (Red-Green)White Hexorium Button (Green)White Hexorium Pressure Plate (Green)White Hexorium Door (Green)White Hexorium Hatch (Green) Black Hexorium Dye
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Engineered Hexorium Block (Green)Framed Hexorium Block (Green)Plated Hexorium Block (Green)Concentric Hexorium Block (Green)Hexorium Structure Casing (Green)Glowing Hexorium-Coated Stone (Green)Glowing Hexorium Glass (Green)Hexorium Lamp (Green)Inverted Hexorium Lamp (Green)Hexorium-Coated StoneTempered Hexorium GlassHexorium Switch (Red-Green)Hexorium Button (Green)Hexorium Pressure Plate (Green)Hexorium Door (Green)Hexorium Hatch (Green)

Additionally, decorative blocks which are made using Hexorium-Coated Stone or Tempered Hexorium Glass will keep the dyed color of the base block.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

White Framed Hexorium Block

Energized Hexorium (Any) +
Iron Nugget +
White Hexorium-Coated Stone

Iron Nugget Grid layout Arrow (small).png White Framed Hexorium Block (Green)

Energized Hexorium (Green)
White Hexorium-Coated Stone

Framed Hexorium Block

Energized Hexorium (Any) +
Iron Nugget +
Hexorium-Coated Stone

Iron Nugget Grid layout Arrow (small).png Framed Hexorium Block (Green)

Energized Hexorium (Green)
Hexorium-Coated Stone

In-World Dyeing

Decorative blocks already placed in the world may be dyed without breaking them. Simply use the dye on the block. Note that this completely swaps the block with the new one and may not be used on blocks which already form a multiblock structure.

Dyeing a floor white.


Hexorium Dye is a composite made out of a regular everyday dye and finely ground Hexorium. This special material has a property which allows it to very effectively and quickly bind with other solid Hexorium materials, effectively giving it a color when smeared on. Further studies on how this behavior works have shown that Hexorium seems to bind directly to normal dyes, as well as the solid material. In fact, Hexorium's special properties allow it to quickly spread over the whole surface of the block on its own with minimal effort from the user.