Crystal Separator

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Crystal Separator
Crystal Separator.png
Crystal Separator

Crystal Separator

Source Mod







32 HEX/t


Yes (64)



Crystal Separator is a machine added by HEXCraft.



The separator is obtained by a crafting recipe which is made up of a lot of different HEXCraft components.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Crystal Separator

Hexorium Machine Block +
Machine Control Panel +
Machine Energy Router +
Crystal Extraction Units +
Iron Ingots

Iron Ingot Machine Control Panel Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Crystal Separator
Crystal Extraction Unit Hexorium Machine Block Crystal Extraction Unit
Iron Ingot Machine Energy Router Iron Ingot


Crystal Separator is used to extract Hexorium crystals out of Hexorium Ore, Hexorium Nether Ore, Hexorium Monoliths and Hexorium Nether Monoliths with great efficiency, providing a better output than when mining with even strongest Fortune enchant. In addition, the machine can be used to extract Diamonds, Emeralds and Nether Quartz out of their respective ore and many different gems from other mods. To use the machine, it has to be connected with the HEX Energy Network via a Hexorium Cable or Pylon Base attached to its back. When there is energy available on the network, small RGB lights will light up to signify that the machine is usable. The machine requires 32 HEX/t input to work, but can work on lower energy too, although it will work slower. When energy is insufficient, the input box will show text in red, when it is sufficient it will show in green. If the machine suddenly loses power, the processing progress will reset. When the machine is processing items, it will change its texture and start emitting light. Items to process are inserted from top and processing results are pulled from front. The machine can be rotated using the Hexorium Manipulator.

Name Ingredients Crystal Separator recipe

Red Hexorium Crystal or
Green Hexorium Crystal or
Blue Hexorium Crystal or
White Hexorium Crystal or
Black Hexorium Crystal

Hexorium Ore

Red Hexorium OreGreen Hexorium OreBlue Hexorium OreWhite Hexorium OreBlack Hexorium Ore Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png Red Hexorium Crystal8Green Hexorium Crystal8Blue Hexorium Crystal8White Hexorium Crystal6Black Hexorium Crystal6
Grid layout 32HEX.png

Red Hexorium Crystal or
Green Hexorium Crystal or
Blue Hexorium Crystal or
White Hexorium Crystal or
Black Hexorium Crystal

Hexorium Nether Ore

Red Hexorium Nether OreGreen Hexorium Nether OreBlue Hexorium Nether OreWhite Hexorium Nether OreBlack Hexorium Nether Ore Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png Red Hexorium Crystal6Green Hexorium Crystal6Blue Hexorium Crystal6White Hexorium Crystal8Black Hexorium Crystal8
Grid layout 32HEX.png

Red Hexorium Crystal or
Green Hexorium Crystal or
Blue Hexorium Crystal or
White Hexorium Crystal or
Black Hexorium Crystal

Hexorium Monolith

Red Hexorium MonolithGreen Hexorium MonolithBlue Hexorium MonolithWhite Hexorium MonolithBlack Hexorium Monolith Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png Red Hexorium Crystal16Green Hexorium Crystal16Blue Hexorium Crystal16White Hexorium Crystal12Black Hexorium Crystal12
Grid layout 32HEX.png

Red Hexorium Crystal or
Green Hexorium Crystal or
Blue Hexorium Crystal or
White Hexorium Crystal or
Black Hexorium Crystal

Hexorium Monolith

Red Hexorium MonolithGreen Hexorium MonolithBlue Hexorium MonolithWhite Hexorium MonolithBlack Hexorium Monolith Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png Red Hexorium Crystal12Green Hexorium Crystal12Blue Hexorium Crystal12White Hexorium Crystal16Black Hexorium Crystal16
Grid layout 32HEX.png
Name Ingredients Crystal Separator recipe


Diamond Ore

Diamond Ore Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png Diamond4
Grid layout 32HEX.png


Emerald Ore

Emerald Ore Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png Emerald4
Grid layout 32HEX.png

Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz Ore

Nether Quartz Ore Grid layout Crystal Separator Progress.png Nether Quartz4
Grid layout 32HEX.png

Processing Other Mods

The separator can also process gem ore from other mods. Each ore will output exactly 4 gems (except for Dense Ores). Below is a list of all compatible mods.

  • Applied Energistics 2: Certus Quartz Ore, Charged Certus Quartz Ore
  • Dense Ores: Dense Diamond Ore, Dense Emerald Ore, Dense Nether Quartz Ore (16 each)
  • Thaumcraft: All Infused Stones, Amber Bearing Stone
  • ProjectRed: Ruby Ore, Sapphire Ore, Peridot Ore
  • Forestry: Apatite Ore
  • Erebus: Jade Ore


Crystal Separator from front.
Crystal Separator from back. The cable port is visible.
Cable plugged into the separator.
The separator is able to pull energy, as indicated with the lights.
Separator is processing items.
Glow-in-dark effect.
GUI of the separator.


Crystal Separator is a Hexorium machine designed by CelesTek Technologies. The purpose of the separator is to effectively increase crystal mining efficiency by doubling the amount of crystals gained when mining, compared to an unenchanted pick. To do this, the separator uses two Crystal Extraction Units. Each pulls a total of 16 HEX/t, so the machine pulls a total of 32 HEX/t. Once ore is inserted into the machine, the extraction units come to life. First they will analyze the ore using Mineral Analyzers and assess if there are any crystals to be extracted. If there are, they will use their Ore Actuators to remove rock around the crystals with surgical accuracy, leaving only previous gems behind.

NOTE: Never put your hand inside the device while holding an already extracted crystal in the same hand.

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