Hexorium Energy Converter

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Hexorium Energy Converter
Hexorium Energy Converter.png
Hexorium Energy Converter

Hexorium Energy Converter

Source Mod





Yes (64)



Hexorium Energy Converter is a crafting component added by the mod HEXCraft.



The converter can be obtained by a crafting recipe which involves multiple different HEXCraft components.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Hexorium Energy Converter

Hexorium Coprocessor +
Hexorium Processor +
Rainbow Core +
Hexorium Cables (Rainbow) +
Iron Nuggets

Iron Nugget Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) Iron Nugget Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium Energy Converter
Hexorium Processor Rainbow Core Hexorium Coprocessor
Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) Iron Nugget Hexorium Cable (Rainbow)


Crafting Ingredient

Hexorium Energy Converter is required for the creation of the two different types of Pylon Bases and the Energy Node Port HEX.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

5-to-1 Pylon Base

Hexorium Energy Converter +
Pylon Socket +
Hexorium Cables (Rainbow) +
Iron Ingots

Iron Ingot Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png 5-to-1 Pylon Base
Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) Hexorium Energy Converter Hexorium Cable (Rainbow)
Iron Ingot Pylon Socket Iron Ingot

1-to-5 Pylon Base

Hexorium Energy Converter +
Pylon Sockets +
Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) +
Iron Ingots

Iron Ingot Pylon Socket Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png 1-to-5 Pylon Base
Pylon Socket Hexorium Energy Converter Pylon Socket
Iron Ingot Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) Iron Ingot

Energy Node Port HEX

Hexorium Energy Converter +
Energized Hexorium (Rainbow) +
Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) +
Machine Control Panel +
Iron Ingots +
Block of Redstone

Iron Ingot Machine Control Panel Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Energy Node Port RF
Hexorium Cable (Rainbow) Energized Hexorium (Rainbow) Block of Redstone
Iron Ingot Hexorium Energy Converter Iron Ingot


Hexorium Energy Converter is a device responsible for conversion of HEX energy into a more usable Energy Pylon variant. Energy Pylons don't use the same modulation and are not directly capable of connecting to Hexorium Cables. Because of this, Pylon Bases are used to convert this energy and allow the pylons to correctly link with the rest of the HEX Energy Network. In addition, the converter is also used to convert between HEX energy and internal Energy Node energy inside the Energy Node Port HEX.