Matrix Adjuster

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Matrix Adjuster
Matrix Adjuster.png
Matrix Adjuster

Matrix Adjuster

Source Mod



Machine Components


Yes (64)



Matrix Adjuster is a crafting component added by the mod HEXCraft.



The adjuster can be obtained by a relatively complicated crafting recipe which involves multiple different HEXCraft components.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Matrix Adjuster

Hexorium Coprocessor +
Rainbow Core +
Spatial Projector +
Diamond +
Iron Ingots +

Diamond Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Matrix Adjuster
Spatial Projector Rainbow Core Hexorium Coprocessor

Redstone Iron Ingot


Crafting Ingredient

Matrix Adjuster is a key component for the construction of Matrix Reconstructor.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Matrix Reconstructor

Matrix Adjusters +
Hexorium Machine Block +
Machine Control Panel +
Machine Energy Router +
Iron Ingots

Iron Ingot Machine Control Panel Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Matrix Reconstructor
Matrix Adjuster Hexorium Machine Block Matrix Adjuster
Iron Ingot Machine Energy Router Iron Ingot


Matrix Adjuster is an advanced device which is able to rearrange the molecular structure of Energized Hexorium to create Energized Hexorium Monoliths. When built inside of a Matrix Reconstructor, it will forcefully modify the molecular shape of any Energized Hexorium inserted. It achieves this using the Spatial Projector. This process is a lot more energy consuming, so the Matrix Reconstructor requires 64 HEX/t to function properly.