Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.js"
From CelesTek Wiki
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Latest revision as of 10:47, 14 May 2015
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */ (function () { 'use strict'; var mcw = window.mcw = { }; mcw.i18n = { hideText: 'hide', showText: 'show', loadErrorTitle: 'An error occurred loading the content', defaultLicense: 'License' }; mcw.events = { }; if (mw.user.options.get('showtoolbar') && !mw.user.options.get('usebetatoolbar')) { importScript('MediaWiki:Toolbar.js'); } mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function ($content) { (function () { var $tables = $content.find('table.collapsible'); if (!$tables || !$tables.length) { return false; } var buttonText = ' <span class="collapsible-button">[<span class="jslink">' + mcw.i18n.hideText + '</span>]</span> '; $tables.each(function () { var $table = $(this), $header, $collapseButton, firstWidth, secondWidth; if ($table.data('collapsible')) { return true; } $header = $table.find('tr:first .collapse-button'); if (!$header.length) { $header = $table.find('tr:first > th:first'); } if (!$header.length || !$table.find('tr:not(tr:first)').html().trim().length) { return true; } if ($table.hasClass('collapse-button-none')) { $header.append(buttonText); } else { $header.prepend(buttonText); } $collapseButton = $table.find('.collapsible-button'); firstWidth = $collapseButton.width(); $collapseButton.find('> .jslink').text(mcw.i18n.showText); secondWidth = $collapseButton.width(); if (firstWidth != secondWidth) { if (firstWidth < secondWidth) { $collapseButton.css('min-width', secondWidth); } else { $collapseButton.css('min-width', firstWidth); } } if (!$table.hasClass('collapsed')) { $collapseButton.find('> .jslink').text(mcw.i18n.hideText); } $table.data('collapsible', true); }); $tables.find('.collapsible-button .jslink').click(function (e) { var $table = $(this).closest('table.collapsible'); e.stopPropagation(); if ($table.hasClass('collapsed')) { $table.removeClass('collapsed').addClass('expanded'); $(this).text(mcw.i18n.hideText); } else { $table.removeClass('expanded').addClass('collapsed'); $(this).text(mcw.i18n.showText); } }); }()); (function () { if (!mcw.animate) { mcw.animate = setInterval(function () { $('.animated').each(function () { var $elem = $(this); var $current = $elem.children('.active'); var $next = $current.nextAll(':not(.skip):first'); if (!$next.length) { $next = $elem.children(':not(.skip):first'); } $current.removeClass('active'); $next.addClass('active'); }); }, 2000); } }()); (function () { var $loadPage = $content.find('.load-page'); if (!$loadPage.length) { return; } mw.loader.load('jquery.spinner'); var $buttonText = $('<span>').addClass('mw-editsection-like load-page-button').append('[', $('<span>').addClass('jslink').text(mcw.i18n.hideText), ']'); $loadPage.find('.mw-headline:first').each(function () { var $body = $(this).closest('.load-page'), $button = $buttonText.clone(), firstWidth, secondWidth; $button.insertAfter(this); $body.find('.mw-editsection').insertAfter($button); firstWidth = $button.width(); $button.children('.jslink').text(mcw.i18n.showText); secondWidth = $button.width(); if (firstWidth !== secondWidth) { if (firstWidth > secondWidth) { $button.css('min-width', firstWidth); } else { $button.css('min-width', secondWidth); } } }); if (mcw.events.loadPage) { return; } $('#mw-content-text').on('click', '.load-page-button > .jslink', function () { var $button = $(this).parent(), $body = $button.closest('.load-page'), $contentContainer = $body.find('.load-page-content'); if (!$body.data('loaded')) { var oldButton = $button.html(); mw.loader.using('jquery.spinner', function () { $button.html($.createSpinner()); }); new mw.Api().get({ action: 'parse', prop: 'text', title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'), text: '{' + '{:' + $body.data('page') + '}}' }).done(function (data) { $contentContainer.html(data.parse.text['*']).removeClass('noscript'); mw.hook('wikipage.content').fire($contentContainer); $button.html(oldButton).children('.jslink').text(mcw.i18n.hideText); $body.data('loaded', true); }).fail(function (_, error) { $button.html(oldButton); var errorText = ''; if (error.textStatus) { errorText = error.textStatus; } else if (error.error) { errorText = error.error.info; } mw.notify(errorText, { title: mcw.i18n.loadErrorTitle, autoHide: false }); }); } else if ($(this).text() === mcw.i18n.showText) { $contentContainer.show(); $(this).text(mcw.i18n.hideText); } else { $contentContainer.hide(); $(this).text(mcw.i18n.showText) ; } }); mcw.events.loadPage = true; }()); }); $(function () { if (document.location.search.indexOf('undo=') !== - 1 && document.getElementsByName('wpAutoSummary') [0]) { document.getElementsByName('wpAutoSummary') [0].value = '1'; } $('#mw-content-text').on({ 'mouseenter': function () { $(this).find('.animated').removeClass('animated').addClass('paused'); }, 'mouseleave': function () { $(this).find('.paused').removeClass('paused').addClass('animated'); } }, '.grid-generic, .grid-Crafting_Table, .grid-Furnace, .grid-Brewing_Stand'); mw.loader.using('mediawiki.searchSuggest', function () { $('.suggestions:first').addClass('searchbar'); }); if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Upload') { if ($('#wpLicense').val() === '') { $('#wpLicense').val(mcw.i18n.defaultLicense); } mw.loader.using('mediawiki.legacy.upload', function () { var change = setInterval(function () { if (licenseSelectorCheck) { $('#wpLicense').change(); clearInterval(change); } }, 500); }); } mcw.minetip = { create: function () { var tooltip; $('#mw-content-text').on({ 'mouseenter.minetip': function (e) { var $elem = $(this), title = $elem.data('minetip-title'), description = $elem.data('minetip-text'); if (title === undefined || title && title.replace(/&([0-9a-fl-o])|\s+/g, '') === '') { var attrTitle = $elem.attr('title') || $elem.find('> a:first').attr('title'); if (title === undefined) { title = attrTitle; } else { title += attrTitle; } if (title) { $elem.data('minetip-title', title); } else { return; } } $elem.add('*', $elem).filter('[title]').removeAttr('title'); if (title === 0) { return; } var text = '<span class="title">' + title + '&f</span>'; if (description) { text += '\n<span class="description">' + description.replace(/\\\//g, '/').replace(/\//g, '<br>') + '&f</span>'; } if (!$('#minetip-tooltip').length) { $('body').append('<div id="minetip-tooltip"/>'); } tooltip = $('#minetip-tooltip'); while (text.match(/&[0-9a-el-o]/)) { text = text.replace(/&([0-9a-el-o])(.*?)(&f|$)/g, '<span class="format-$1">$2</span>&f'); } text = text.replace(/&f/g, ''); tooltip.html(text); $elem.trigger('mousemove', e); }, 'mousemove.minetip': function (e, trigger) { if (!$('#minetip-tooltip').length) { $(this).trigger('mouseenter'); return; } e = trigger || e; var top = e.clientY - 34, left = e.clientX + 14, width = tooltip.outerWidth(true), height = tooltip.outerHeight(true), $win = $(window), winWidth = $win.width(), winHeight = $win.height(); if (left + width > winWidth) { left -= width + 36; } if (left < 0) { left = 0; top += 82; if (top + height > winHeight) { top -= 77 + height; } } else if (top < 0) { top = 0; } else if (top + height > winHeight) { top = winHeight - height; } tooltip.css({ top: top, left: left }); }, 'mouseleave.minetip': function () { if (!tooltip) { return; } tooltip.remove(); } }, '.minetip, .grid .image, .grid .item, .grid2 .item').off('.minetipNative'); }, destroy: function () { $('#mw-content-text').off('.minetip .minetipNative'); $('#minetip-tooltip').remove(); }, native: function () { $('#mw-content-text').on('mouseenter.minetipNative', '.minetip, .grid .image, .grid .item, .grid2 .item', function () { var title = $(this).data('minetip-title'), description = $(this).data('minetip-text'), existingTitle = $(this).attr('title') || $(this).find('> a:first').attr('title'); if (title || title === 0 || $(this).attr('title')) { $(this).find('[title]').removeAttr('title'); } if (title === 0) { $(this).removeAttr('title'); return; } else if (!title && (!existingTitle || !description)) { return; } else if (!title && existingTitle) { $(this).data('minetip-title', existingTitle); } var text = title || existingTitle; if (description) { text += '\n' + description; } text = text.replace(/&([0-9a-fl-o])/g, '').replace(/\\\//g, '/').replace(/\//g, '\n').replace(///g, '/'); $(this).attr('title', text); }).off('.minetip'); } }; if (mcw.useNativeMinetip) { mcw.minetip.native(); } else { mcw.minetip.create(); } }); }()); mw.loader.state({ 'site': 'ready' });