Heat Dissipator

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Heat Dissipator
Heat Dissipator.png
Heat Dissipator

Heat Dissipator

Source Mod



Machine Components


Yes (64)



Heat Dissipator is a crafting component added by the mod HEXCraft.



The dissipator can be obtained by a simple crafting recipe which involves a White Hexorium Crystal.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Heat Dissipator

White Hexorium Crystal +
Iron Nuggets +

Iron Nugget Iron Nugget Redstone Grid layout Arrow (small).png Heat Dissipator
Iron Nugget Iron Nugget White Hexorium Crystal
Iron Nugget Iron Nugget Redstone


Crafting Ingredient

Heat Dissipator is a key component for the construction of Hexorium Generator.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Hexorium Generator

Heat Dissipators +
Hexorium Machine Block +
Machine Control Panel +
Machine Energy Router +
Iron Ingots

Iron Ingot Machine Control Panel Iron Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hexorium Generator
Heat Dissipator Hexorium Machine Block Heat Dissipator
Iron Ingot Machine Energy Router Iron Ingot


Heat Dissipator is a relatively simple device which, when dissipating heat, creates energy. When built inside of a Hexorium Generator, it gathers the heat created by the burning materials, like Coal, and converts it into energy. That energy is then transferred into the Machine Energy Router, which outputs it into the HEX Energy Network.